Destin HVAC Repair Experts Explain Why the Quality of the Air in Your Home Matters

Did you know that poor indoor air quality can cause (or contribute to) infections, lung cancer, and chronic lung diseases like asthma? If you have any lung ailments already, poor indoor air quality can exacerbate your symptoms and illness.

That’s why it’s crucial to test indoor air quality in your Destin home and ensure that you and your loved ones are living in a house with good indoor air quality.

Let’s go over what our HVAC repair experts have to say on why healthy indoor air quality matters so much.

You Spend 93% Of Your Day Indoors

Americans spend 93% of their day indoors, 87% of which is inside buildings, and 6% is inside cars. Not only are you missing out on the boons of sunshine and Vitamin D that way, but you are also exposing yourself to poor indoor air all day long.

If you are going to spend that much time indoors, it’s crucial to make sure the air quality in your Destin home is top-notch. This is for the health and continued happiness of you and your loved ones.

You Are Breathing in Indoor Air Pollutants While You Sleep

Your body does a lot of healing and detoxing work while you are asleep. In fact, your liver, lungs, and colon are hard at work while your body is resting.

To ensure that you provide a clean, working environment for your body and brain to heal and cleanse, you must improve your indoor air quality. This way, you can give your body a fighting chance when fighting outdoor air pollutants and air pollution.

You Are Taking in Dust, and Other Allergens All Day

If you use chemicals to clean your home, if you have furnishings or woodwork that have chemicals in them, or if you have dogs who bring in pesticides on their paws, then you have a host of allergens just waiting to cause you and your loved one’s harm.

You might not notice it much because you can’t really smell it in the air or feel it in your lungs (at first). However, over time, these allergens and chemicals will build up in your body and cause disease and other ailments.

Improve indoor air quality by using an air purifier, by using natural cleaning products, and by cleaning out your HVAC system regularly. Not only will your lungs thank you for it, but your improved longevity will as well.

Healthy Indoor Air Quality in Destin Matters More Than You Think

Most of us ignore our lungs and the work they do. It’s easy to do so when they are working fine, and there’s nothing wrong with them.

However, poor indoor air quality has a slow burn, where over time, you will start feeling the ill effects of it on your breathing and lung capacity. Don’t take your lungs for granted.

Give them a fighting chance by improving your indoor air quality. Take necessary measures today.

Contact Murphy’s Home Services today to clean out your HVAC system and get your indoor air quality up to par.